I was utterly delighted to receive an email from the
Fine Arts League of Cary that began as follows: "I am happy to inform you that your entry was juried in to our Annual Exhibition." After receiving so many juried show rejection letters over the past year, I had pretty much given up on ever getting an acceptance. So when this one arrived, I almost couldn't believe my eyes and had to re-read the email message and even have a friend confirm that I had read what I thought I read! I am absolutely walking on air right now. As the selected paintings are due at Page-Walker Art and History Center on Tuesday, I spent the past few days getting "Riversong" custom matted and framed so it will be ready to go for the exhibit.
Show Details:
Fine Arts League of Cary 2015 Annual Juried Art Exhibition
Page-Walker Art and History Center, 119 Ambassador Loop, Cary North Carolina
February 25 - April 18, 2015
Opening Reception & Awards Sunday, March 1, 2015, 2-4 pm
© 2014 Tammy Kaufman - Riversong - soft pastels on Sennelier La Carte Pastel Card 9" x 12" |